A Rental Market So Hot You’ll Want to Throw a Chair Through a Window

In this market, you have to act quickly to get the property you want. As you’ll see, sometimes you just can’t act fast enough.

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I’m here today with a couple of investors in the heart of Sugar House. We’re looking at a property in this single-family neighborhood that is unique to the area. It’s actually a triplex, and a great property for any investor looking to build wealth through real estate.

As far as rent goes, this property is in the perfect area to capture a top rental rate. It’s just east of Westminster College, a perfect place to rent out to students.

Time is of the essence because our spring market in Utah has been absolutely insane. Pretty much every single property is seeing multiple offers and homes are selling as quickly as you can tell people about them.

Time is of the essence.

Which is exactly what happened with this property. Check out my explosive reaction to finding out this property went under contract as soon as I brought my investors in the video above.

In all seriousness, if you have any questions for me about the real estate market or if you’re looking to invest in it yourself, give me a call or send me an email. I would love to hear from you.