The How-To's of Selling For Sale By Owner in Utah!

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Are you considering selling your home without the help of an agent? This can be tough, but we want to help. We've put together a complete "How To" list for For Sale By Owner sellers, which you can find by following this link. 
You might be wondering why your trusted real estate professionals are posting a link to do a For Sale By Owner, or a FSBO as we call them.
There are a couple reasons we want to help:
1. We educate you so that you can make an educated decision: This is our motto here at Utah Cribs. We have no problem helping you with your house, however you should choose to do it!
2. Once educated on the process, you may need assistance: You may realize that you don't have the skills or time necessary to sell by yourself. That's completely fine! We just want you to know we're always available to help should you change your mind.
In the state of Utah last year, 97.3% of all residential transactions involved an agent on at least one side. So, chances are, even when someone first attempts to sell without the help of an agent, most people are going to end up working with a professional. Again, if you want to take a look at everything you need to do in order to do a For Sale By Owner, follow this link. 

A problem we see with FSBOs is a general inability of sellers to negotiate effectively. This is especially true for appraisals: when a market appreciates like it has in Salt Lake County over the last two and a half years, we often find that getting the property appraised for the right value or having the ammunition to combat the appraiser is something FSBO sellers are incapable of. That's where real estate professionals come in to help. For instance, Utah Cribs has closed 107 transactions so far this year, and of the 63 buyer-controlled sales, a third of them had appraisal issues that we had to negotiate to save the deal.
It's simple: agents can make the home selling process go as smoothly as possible. So, if you end up deciding you don't want to take on the challenges of doing an FSBO, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help you get the best results in real estate!